Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Boehner Says Congress Can Do Immigration This Year

WASHINGTON House Speaker John Boehner, who has been a a big critic of the immigration reform bill that has been forming in the Senate, believes that Congress can draft and vote into law a bill to reform immigration by the end of the year.

Boehner said in an interview that he still has some concern over the border security aspects of the bill, but that "I think, no question, by the end of the year we could have a bill. No question."

The trickiest part of keeping the bill from being killed is the fact that the committee responsible for it must appeal to a split Congress, and must lock down the support of both Democrats and Republicans. President Obama, who has made immigration reform one of the top priorities of his second term, is to speak to the Senate to praise their efforts and urge bipartisan cooperation.

There are two votes on the bill scheduled for Tuesday afternoon, and both are expected to succeed because even Congressmen that are completely against the bill agree that it should come under debate. "Given the impact the broken system has on our economy and our families, we cannot afford delay," Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., said on Monday. "This is a measure the Senate should come together to consider and pass."

One hotly-debated amendment to the bill was proposed by Senator John Cornyn, who wants no path to legalization before 100% of the US-Mexico border is monitored and 90% of would-be illegal aliens are either stopped or turned back. Opposition to this amendment claims that it is too wildly different from the original bill.

The payment of back-taxes on the road to legalization is another contested issue.

Read the entire article on ABCNews.com